BNZ Marketview - June 2018

Are Kiwi businesses catching on to online sales?

Online retail spending continued recent trends, with sales in June 10% higher than in June last year.

Spending at domestic online sites was up 12% compared to June last year. Once again, this outpaced growth in spending at traditional stores, which was only up 3% on the prior June.

Online spending at international merchants was up 7% compared to June last year.

For the past 4 months, spending at domestic online stores has been growing at a faster rate than spending at international sites.

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Over 20 New Heritage Panels In Auckland

This week we installed heritage panels in both Mt Eden Village and around Blockhouse Bay and New Lynn. Each panel celebrates our past by identifying important heritage assets. Whilst some assets still survive, many are reliant on the photo displayed on the panel to link people from now to an earlier time. #aklheritage




Northcote Central

Today I had the pleasure of meeting Northcote locals, whilst in the village centre taking photographs for the next printed business directory.  If you are looking to try some new food experiences, Northcote Central is a must. Locals also rave about their fish & chip shop and food hall. I thought me not undestanding or speaking Chinese language would be a barrier in some stores. It wasn't.  Thanks to everyone who made my visit so enjoyable.
